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Opera Mini Handler In Proxomitron?
Oct. 08, 2012, 07:20 AM (This post was last modified: Oct. 08, 2012 09:50 AM by ciprut003.)
Post: #1
Opera Mini Handler In Proxomitron?
Hi Proxo Master,

Sorry for asking basic command in Proxomitron. I want to ask you, is there simple way to add query command: Front query, back query and middle query in proxomitron. I want configure proxo so it have function like query command in opera mini handler.

I want modify command, so the request site will redirect and in proxomitron log window will look

Front Query : GET http://[email protected] HTTP/1.1
Back Query : GET http://[email protected] HTTP/1.1

Can you tell me how to write the command. I want add in every time i browse. Thanks very much for everyone who show me the specific command how to add that in Front, Middle, and Back Query. Sorry for my stupid question D'oh!
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Oct. 09, 2012, 12:15 AM
Post: #2
RE: Opera Mini Handler In Proxomitron?
(Oct. 08, 2012 07:20 AM)ciprut003 Wrote:  Sorry for my stupid question D'oh!

Actually, I'm not sure it is possible but this does work in the test window.

[HTTP headers]
Key = "! : RDIR:query  back (0ut)"
URL = "\1&$RDIR(http:@//\[email protected])"

Key = "! : RDIR:query  front (0ut)"
URL = "\1&$RDIR(http:@//\1)"
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Oct. 09, 2012, 03:47 AM (This post was last modified: Oct. 09, 2012 03:48 AM by ghayz.)
Post: #3
RE: Opera Mini Handler In Proxomitron?
[HTTP headers]
Key = "! : RDIR:query  back (0ut)"
URL = "\1&$RDIR(http:@//\[email protected])"

Key = "! : RDIR:query  front (0ut)"
URL = "\1&$RDIR(http:@//\1)"

Its work JJoe...Thumbs Up
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Oct. 09, 2012, 12:44 PM (This post was last modified: Oct. 09, 2012 12:49 PM by ciprut003.)
Post: #4
RE: Opera Mini Handler In Proxomitron?
(Oct. 09, 2012 12:15 AM)JJoe Wrote:  
(Oct. 08, 2012 07:20 AM)ciprut003 Wrote:  Sorry for my stupid question D'oh!

Actually, I'm not sure it is possible but this does work in the test window.

[HTTP headers]
Key = "! : RDIR:query  back (0ut)"
URL = "\1&$RDIR(http:@//\[email protected])"

Key = "! : RDIR:query  front (0ut)"
URL = "\1&$RDIR(http:@//\1)"

Thanks master JJoe Its work, Cheers

Actually, there are still some questions yet. I want to know how to configure Proxomitron so it has totally functions like Operamini handler.

How to add command custom http server and custom http socket in proxomitron? Can you show me the command? And also the other command to Add port to Non-port URL...

Thank u so much, Master JJOE

Attached File(s)
.png  Opera-Mini-4.2-1.3.2.png (Size: 11.9 KB / Downloads: 1277)
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Oct. 09, 2012, 05:16 PM
Post: #5
RE: Opera Mini Handler In Proxomitron?
(Oct. 09, 2012 12:44 PM)ciprut003 Wrote:  How to add command custom http server and custom http socket in proxomitron? Can you show me the command? And also the other command to Add port to Non-port URL...

I don't think the Proxomitron can use socket protocol but I have never tried.

To have the Proxomitron use an http proxy server, . However, I haven't tried using a "@" as in

To remove or add strings (ports) and prevent addition of unwanted / try something like

\0string\1&$RDIR(http:@//\0\[email protected])

Add port:
\0&$RDIR(http:@//\[email protected])

The specifics depend upon need.

The @ in "$RDIR(http:@//" is not standard use. Its use causes the Proxomitron to provide desired output but there may be consequences.
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Oct. 10, 2012, 08:53 PM (This post was last modified: Oct. 10, 2012 08:53 PM by ciprut003.)
Post: #6
RE: Opera Mini Handler In Proxomitron?
I have any problem and want to ask.
This is about RDIR and JUMP. The Similar function is to redirect to another URL. However, JUMP just tells the browser to go to the new location. my problem is when i use JUMP function, there is confirmation dialog in my browser. I want go to URL By Jumping from facebook

I have written a command like this, just like writing RDIR command

Out = TRUE
Key = "! : (0ut)"
URL = "\1&$JUMP(http:@//\1)"

Can someone explain to me the fault that occurred?

Attached File(s)
.png  test result.png (Size: 8.48 KB / Downloads: 901)
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Oct. 10, 2012, 11:57 PM
Post: #7
RE: Opera Mini Handler In Proxomitron?
Not really a fault.

It may be possible to embed username and password for a resource in a url. Looks like http(s)://username:password@resource.

Evidently your browser recognizes it and $JUMP (unlike $RDIR) allows the browser to see it.

IE dropped support for embed username and password under http(s),];834489 .

Quote:Internet Explorer versions 3.0 to 6.0 support the following syntax for HTTP or HTTPS URLs:
You can use this URL syntax to automatically send user information to a Web site that supports the basic authentication method.

A malicious user might use this URL syntax to create a hyperlink that appears to open a legitimate Web site but actually opens a deceptive (spoofed) Web site. For example, the following URL appears to open but actually opens
http://[email protected]
Note In this case, Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Internet Explorer 6 for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 only display "" in the Address bar. However, earlier versions of Internet Explorer display "http://[email protected]" in the Address bar.

Additionally, malicious users can use this URL syntax together with other methods to create a link to a deceptive (spoofed) Web site that displays the URL to a legitimate Web site in the Status bar, Address bar, and Title bar of all versions of Internet Explorer.

Another problem with $JUMP is that you must add something to prevent an infinite loop.

A. The browser requests sitea,
B. Proxomitron $JUMPs to siteb,
C. Browser requests siteb,
D. Go To B and start Infinite loop

(^siteb)\0&$JUMP(siteb) doesn't loop.

Assuming the $JUMP works after dismissing the "Confirm" dialog, the browser may allow you to disable the warnings.
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