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Google Light Theme - fixing layout in IE7 - Printable Version

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Google Light Theme - fixing layout in IE7 - OZO - Aug. 08, 2011 06:04 AM

I still using Google Light Theme filters, discussed in this old thread. It works well so far for most resent browsers (Iron, FF).

I've recently discovered that in old IE7 Google start using the table-based layout, that breads my old filter. And useful content of search page (the middle column) becomes constrained back again to almost 1/3 of the screen surface. I hate to see the waste of usable space of my browser for useless left vertical column (LeftNav), as well as for right one too... So, I've fixed it, by removing both extra columns and making the central column (with actual search content) to occupy all client area of the browser.

Here is the simple filter that does it:
Name = "++ Google Search: - Hide LeftNav     11.08.07 [ozo] ADD"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?|webhp|(^?))$SET(keyword=$TST(keyword=\1.(i_layout:[#*:0].)+\2)\1.i_layout:2.\2)"
Limit = 10000
Match = "<tr><td valign="top" id="leftnav" style="padding:4px">*\1</td>"
Replace = "</table>\r\n<!-- Hide LeftNav -->\r\n"  
"<style>#leftnav {visibility:hidden;;border:solid 1px blue;width:12em;position:absolute;top:10em;left:.8em;background:white;}#cont{width:100%;}}</style>\r\n<div style=\"position:absolute;top:12em;left:0em;cursor:pointer;color:blue;font-size:75%;\" title=\"Toggle Left Bar\"  onclick=\"c=document.getElementById('leftnav').style;c.visibility!='visible'?(c.visibility='visible',this.innerHTML='&#9668;'):(c.visibility='hidden',this.innerHTML='&#9658;');return false;\">&#9658;</div>\r\n"
"<div id=leftnav>\1</div><table id=cont><tr>"
What you see as result - the central column takes whole width of the browser. If you want to see content of the former left column to click on one of its links - point your mouse cursor over the arrow symbol on the left side of the page. If you want to collapse it back - click on the arrow symbol once again...

You may put this filter close to other Google Light Theme related filters, published in that old thread (see the link above). It doesn't interfere with the whole set and it works for Iron, FF, and IE7 browsers.