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FYI: DSLReports reply page - Printable Version

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FYI: DSLReports reply page - JJoe - May. 01, 2009 07:34 PM

Was reading a thread at DSLReports Wink
A desired Iframe is missing from the reply page.

<Match: <div>... Remove: Ad Containers - Sources     9.01.12 [sd] (d.3 l.3) >
<center><IFRAME style="margin-bottom: 1em; margin-top: 1em; border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;" ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=95% HEIGHT=200 SCROLLING=auto SRC="/forum/r22297536-Targeted-Advertising-Cookie-OptOut-TACO~start=40;iframe=1#22323294"><center>(there should be an inline frame here)</center></IFRAME></center>

While you wait, adding

Code: $SET(0=a_adcont.)

to IncludeExclude-U may help.

Have fun

RE: FYI: DSLReports reply page - sidki3003 - May. 02, 2009 01:00 PM

I see it too. I've added the entry, as posted, to the general list.