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Full Version: About those icons.....
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On the old server, until just a few days ago, after reading a post in a thread, I needed only to click on the first link to the left at the top of the page, and the main page was re-loaded with the proper icons. Not anymore.

In this new incarnation, it doesn't matter how, or when, I come back to the main page, if I have read a post (or more than one), when I return to the top page, I see the same strong blue icon still in place, looking as if I still haven't read the thread. If I flush the cache and reload, I then see the proper light blue icon for that thread (providing no one's posted again in said thread in the meantime).

This isn't a show-stopper by any means, but it does make me wonder how that happened. I mean, you merely copied your backup from the old site to the new one, right?

Hmmm, might be some issues with the Cookie setting...

Maybe clear your cookies and try again?

EDIT: I seem to have fixed it. I recommend that you delete any cookies from on your computer and log in again to get the right cookies Eyes Closed Smile

EDIT 2: It takes a while for the posts to appear as 'read'. But it seems to be working now [lol]

Logged in four, or maybe five, times over the last two days - same results. As things stand right now (for me), if a forum/thread has had a new post since the server changeover, then that thread's icon will change to the dark-blue of 'unread', and then stay that way forever. Whether I log out properly, or just go away, it doesn't matter - I never see the light-blue icon for having 'read' everything within a thread.

I've deleted my cookies to force a fresh start with them - no difference. I'm about out of ideas here. Any takers?

Block images and use alt text instead? Works for me.

You are not filtering cookie contents for this site, are you?
There is a "topicsread=" cookie spec. that is passed to an' fro' for those icons to function properly...

With a sidki 6/9 base config, everything is seemless on my end (after the AllowCookies change)...
actually, come to think of it, out of habit, I open all "new posts" in a new tab then click the "mark all posts as read" link at the bottom of the main page...

so honestly, I guess I don't "really" know how the icons behave...
Quote:Block images and use alt text instead? Works for me.
Not a bad idea, but I'd just as soon see the images, all things considered. Thanks.

Quote:You are not filtering cookie contents for this site, are you?
There is a "topicsread=" cookie spec. that is passed to an' fro' for those icons to function properly...

With a sidki 6/9 base config, everything is seemless on my end (after the AllowCookies change)...
Nope, no cookie filters. In fact, I can take Proxo out of the picture entirely, and I still get this bizarre behavior. As Kye-U noted above, I can't totally rule out cookies as the cause. In my case, it could be that dhost simply can't properly set, and then retrieve, a cookie on my machine.
Quote:I ...... click the "mark all posts as read" link at the bottom of the main page...
I have to admit, it hadn't even crossed my mind to do things manually! [lol] I'll give that a try, and report back here in a short while.......

<span style='color:red'>edit:</span> ProxRocks;
Manually clearing the unread posts marker on the main page does the trick - much grass, amigo! Cheers

<span style='color:red'>more edit:</span>
Sigh. Make that a big sigh. I hit the link, and I don't see the icons change. I refresh the page, and voila! - it's all updated. However, if I go to a topic, then come back, the updates have disappeared!! WTF?!?!? So I carefully check the address bar, and sure enough, there's a slight difference (doesn't matter what, just read on.....). It seems that when I hit the left-most link at the top of any page, that link might take me to what appears to be the same page, but in point of fact, I'm being served that page from a different addy. Hence, I deduce that to be the reason I don't see the most recent status vis-a-vis what topics I've read.

Now, to make matters worse, if I dive out of all browser sessions period (thus forcing a cache flush), then come back in, not only do I have to log in again, but the same old dark-blue icons have miracously returned. It's as if the link to mark them as read was not remembered at all. I'm really at my wit's end, I can safely tell you all that much! Cry

As noted in my related thread (in re: log-in problems), I have to report that my icon woes have been brought to a standstill.

As predicted by Kye-U from the get-go, it was my cookie all along. The problem? Said cookie was from dhost alright, but somehow, because I came in via the alias, that particular cookie (no matter how often I reset it) simply refused to believe it was for this site. Not my fault, I tell ya! [angry] I merely inserted this forum's dhost address into my bookmark shortcut, and now everything works accoding to Hoyle. Big Teeth

Short and sweet, don't always believe what they tell ya in the funny papers! Wink

I have a complaint...

Why have the icons become sooo ssllloooooowwww?????????????

edit: nevermind, it seems to be the WHOLE SITE this morning...
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