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Can anyone recommend software for a dual-monitor system?

I'd like at the very least to have a 'taskbar' on the second monitor...

Recommend software? Ummm, I've always been under the impression that this kind of software is the domain of the card (or cards) manufacturer. Lot's of accelerator software out there from 3rd party houses, but that's predominately for the gaming crowd. Don't know as I've ever seen non-manufacturer stuff specifically made to control dual-head setups.

Personally, I use an older Matrox G450 dual head, and it has everything I need. But even Windows 98 let me put the taskbar where I want it, back in my pre-Matrox days. That was when I had one card in the AGP slot, and a different card in one of the PCI slots. Windows just fired right up when I put that second card in, asked me what I wanted to do (I took the defaults at first), then I accessed the Display Settings, put the taskbar on the secondary, and let 'er rip.

FWIW, in about 2 hours, maybe less, I opted to double the taskbar onto both monitors. Now the thing stretches across about 28" of screen real estate, and holds almost 60 icons!! :P

I'll certainly be on the lookout for you, though.

My friend has an awsome setup. In his room he has one computer with 3 monitors! When he plays games, he has the map on one screen, the game on the other and his enemies on the last one. Its so cool playing games because you don't have to switch around views. I don't know what software he uses or how he did it, but I'll ask him.
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