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Full Version: Ok, I've got questions...
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First, I can't get to work, nor
http://https//, nor - now that one I read something about a filter, which I didn't get either.

Then there's this - with ssl enabled, my browser says google's cert seems invalid since it's for Proxomitron... The only option is/was "get me out of here". Obviously I missed the boat somewhere.

Now the big question, how exactly does "cache server" work? For example, gmail. The buttons don't change, but the messages do. So, does Proxomitron issue the buttons from cache and download the messages? Or does it download everything every time? Are all cache servers/proxies the same? This is important to me because I have an extra, extra s l o w internet connection. Sometimes it takes days for google to come in. (That's even before I search for anything.) Ok, maybe not days, but it sure feels like it.

(Nov. 18, 2015 01:50 AM)Aunt Elsie Wrote: [ -> ]First, I can't get to work, nor

The Proxomitron's URL based commands must be enabled and the browser must accept the format.

(Nov. 18, 2015 01:50 AM)Aunt Elsie Wrote: [ -> ]nor - now that one I read something about a filter, which I didn't get either.

A filter is required for this to work.

(Nov. 18, 2015 01:50 AM)Aunt Elsie Wrote: [ -> ]Then there's this - with ssl enabled, my browser says google's cert seems invalid since it's for Proxomitron... The only option is/was "get me out of here". Obviously I missed the boat somewhere.

If the browser knows https is being used, you will probably need to set it to allow the mismatch. How depends on the browser.

ProxHTTPSProxyMII is probably the best solution for Firefox.

(Nov. 18, 2015 01:50 AM)Aunt Elsie Wrote: [ -> ]Now the big question, how exactly does "cache server" work? For example, gmail. The buttons don't change, but the messages do. So, does Proxomitron issue the buttons from cache and download the messages? Or does it download everything every time? Are all cache servers/proxies the same? This is important to me because I have an extra, extra s l o w internet connection. Sometimes it takes days for google to come in. (That's even before I search for anything.) Ok, maybe not days, but it sure feels like it.

The Proxomitron is not a caching server... Still interested?

(Nov. 18, 2015 01:50 AM)Aunt Elsie Wrote: [ -> ]The only option is/was "get me out of here".

web site certificate warnings are like car alarms...
you hear them go off ALL the time but it is NEVER because the car is being stolen...
(Nov. 18, 2015 11:04 AM)ProxRocks Wrote: [ -> ]web site certificate warnings are like car alarms...
you hear them go off ALL the time but it is NEVER because the car is being stolen...

Lol... Love that. Thanks
(Nov. 18, 2015 05:45 AM)JJoe Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome,

The Proxomitron's URL based commands must be enabled and the browser must accept the format.

A filter is required for this to work.

If the browser knows https is being used, you will probably need to set it to allow the mismatch. How depends on the browser.

The Proxomitron is not a caching server... Still interested?


Ok, you're right, I didn't get that - URL based commands must be enabled - so, I did do that, but which browsers "accept" the format? Obviously I'm still missing the boat.

And which filter would that be? (Somebody just post a link to where it's already explained here... If I knew what to search for, I would already have found it...)

And how to "set" it to allow the mismatch? You may assume ie and Firefox. Should I be using something different for use with Proxomitron?

And finally, could anyone recommend a cache server - I still have the s l o w problem. And when I do get one, I would assume Proxomitron would be "next" to the internet and the cache server "next" to my lan? Of course piped together...

Thank you guys for your patience with me. I already like the program, but I want it all, not just some parts. And it has so much to offer...

Got it! Thanks Sidki!!!
Yeah well...

Whenever really has it...
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