Computer Cops Proxo forum is the other place I like to lurk but it has become a pia to always have to login . Also there is so much junk on the page that I have to scroll sideways to read stuff . I had some filters which I think ProxRocks posted but they don't seem to work with Maxthon . I would really like a clean page to open without having to type in their security numbers . TIA , Ralph
I don't visit that site any more, but I remember that killing ALL images helped a lot.
Name = "ComputerCops"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www.|)|)|post|modules)"
Limit = 32767
Match = "<br> <center> <img[^>]++headertop.png*\s(^(^<style))$SET(1=)"
"|<div align="center"><span class="copyright">$SET(1=\k)"
Replace = "\1"
What do you mean, "without having to type in their security numbers"?
He means when you login it asks you for your username, password and the 4 or 5 digit security code. I don't think there is any way to bypass the security code because its generated on the spot.
Thanks guy's . Kye , Shea described what you must do to log on . Insert username , password , and then type a number code which changes everytime you logon . Just a pain . Kye your filter works nicely except there is a big block of stuff on top and bottom .On top a TrojanHunter ad and a Free Giveaway ad and on the bottom a list of users which is 6" long . Can you see if you can come up with something so I and I am sure , a whole bunch of us , can use to get a clean page ?
As far as cleaning up the page, between the Outpost fire-wall & Proxo that does a pretty good job for Me. But I remember a thread over at "ARNE'S" forum where a couple of filters were created for auto-login for a CGI-Proxy service. Those filter's could be modified to perhaps "capture" the security code and then reinsert it in the auto-login script. I'm sure that it can be done. I will try to look for those post over at the "FORUM".
Best Wishes,
"Jak" =:-)
Name = "ComputerCops"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www.|)|)|post|modules)"
Limit = 128
Match = "<img src="themes/Cops_1024/images/header/headertop.png" alt="Computer Cops">$SET(1=<!--)"
"|<table width="952" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center">$SET(1=<!--)"
"|<table border="0" width=75% class="forumline">$SET(1=</center><table><tr><!--)"
"|<span class="nav"><a href="forums.html" class="nav">$SET(1=--><span class="nav"><a href="forums.html" class="nav">)"
"|<td align="right" valign="bottom" class="gensmall">$SET(1=<!--)"
"|<a href="modules.php\?name=Forums\&file=search\&search_id=unanswered$SET(1=<!--)"
"|<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" border="0" class="forumline">$SET(1=\k)"
"|<div align="center"><span class="copyright">$SET(1=\k)"
Replace = "\1"
Updated it to have a small Byte Limit, and to cut more of the pages
Kye-U , Thanks for the filter ; it is certainly a big improvement . The advertisement block on top is now blank and the bottom of online users is gone . However , signing in restores the top ad , Freebie box and the online users are in view again . Nice page if you don't sign in . Jak , you have some memory ! That post reference is over 2 years ago . Just goes to show it's still a valid topic . I read it early this morning and it had my head spinning . I 'll go back to it to try to make more sense of it later today . What are you guys doing up on the computer at 3 am ? Old farts like me I can understand , since our sleep requirements are less as we get older ; but Kye you should be sawing wood at that hour . I need to work on that DNSKong program today so I get a better feel of what it's doing . I 'm not sure I have the configuration set correctly since I'm not able to view the log . Anyway , have a great day everyone .
Been on vacation the last week-and-a-half...
I've been meaning to fetch Maxthon...
I should be able to revisit those filters this weekend...
As for logging in at CCSP - I "fake" my login...
Don't need a cookie, don't need to insert my username, don't need to insert my password, don't need the security number...
Nothing but my "fake" cookie...
Glad to have You back
What kind of "fake Cookie" filter are You using for the login? I must have missed Your post on that one.
"Ralph" good to see You on the Forum this evening.
LoL, . . .I don't sleep awhole lot these days either, . . .I'm afraid something big might happen and I'd miss it if I was asleep!
That DnsKong is like a personal dns server that can block sites like Your host file does, the only difference is that in Your host file the entries have to be exact and if the malious site changes anything in the url, the host file will not block the it. And of course the host file can get very very big adding all the different variations of the urls. Some say that after it gets so big, it will slow You down as it takes time to scan a huge host file. But I've never noticed any slow down myself even with a huge host file. The advantage of using dnskong over a blocking type host is that You don't have to have the whole url, just a domain name. Then even if the url is slightly changed, dnskong will still block the site.
I'm not sure, but I also think that You set it up to where You can "Proxify" Your Dns look ups, so that when Your machine queries Your ISP's Dns server to resolve a url to an IP addy, the connection is made through a remote anonymous proxy of Your choice. But I'm not sure about this, it's been awhile since I'd used DnsKong. It's a nice program but I never noticed any "speed" increase using it. Your machine will always check Your host file first, then if it can't resolve the url, it will query Your ISP dns server next, which if You have dnskong up and running, it will look to dnskong next, then on to Your ISP's dns server. But if You use OutPost's DNS-Caching feature I think that would be the next stop before the ISP's dns server queried.
I hope that everyone has a great & wonderful after-noon,
Best Wishes,
"JaK" =:-)
PS: "Oh and one other thing, . .even with using a blocking host file or dnsKong, if You are using a Remote PRoxy, the sites entered Will Not be blocked, because Your machine will use the "Proxy's Cache" instead.
Thanks Jak , I really appreciate your very thorough explanation . I spent half the day yesterday trying to get DNSKong running correctly ; but something with my network setup just couldn't get the program running where it would do any logging . There is also a test page which I failed continuously so I threw in the towel and went back to eDexter . I'll take another look at it again but it is not for novices . I had to make a registry change to enable IP Routing and then made some network changes but still it didn't seem to work right . I was following some instructions at Shields Up : which was very straight forward . ProxRocks , what Fake Cookie filter are you talking about ? Could you post it so I can give it a try ? Thanks everyone ; I hope the rain stops here in Vermont . The summer has been terrible here .
The "fake cookie" bit has been around for a while...
For starters, before undertaking the task of faking your cookies (and thereby wiping your 'allow cookies' list clean), you need a means to view what the cookies contain if you do allow them...
I used to use something called "Karen's Cookie Viewer"...
But have since resorted to Proxo printing cookie contents at the bottom of the web page...
Either way you crumble that cookie, you then 'fake' the crumbs via a header filter...
There are actually several ways to do so - the easiest of late is to use sidki's config set... He now has the "function" embedded within his great config set...
If you look at his 4/11 config release, you will see the fake cookie method illustrated in the IncludeExclude file for bypassing registration on NY Times...
For example, here is my IncludeExclude entry for CCSP (modified for public viewing):
[^/] $SET(
The "your-long-string-of-characters-here" is your user info contained within the cookie if you were to allow it in...
Hope that helps...
ProxRocks Wrote:.. now-never-visited site (hint: remove the "un-" in the title of this very forum)...
Why not just write the name since you are so eager to tell it anyway?
Apart from that I do not support sabotaging other people's efforts to keep their forums safe while sharing both knowledge, filters, bandwidth, and support for free.