The Un-Official Proxomitron Forum

Full Version: In Need of Filter
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Pages: 1 2
Thanks Kye , It works nicely except for the top ad " Right now , someone could be spying on you " ; but the page is very nice otherwise . I tried ProxRocks Fake cookie but no success . BTW , I hope you are feeling better . Regards , Ralph
Hmmm, let me dig through the archives and I can perhaps still get that fake cookie working for you yet...

Whose config is your default based off of?

Try these:
Name = "Computer Cops:  Remove XML Backendforum"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www.|)"
Limit = 128
Match = "<a href="backendforum\1.php"><img src="images/xml.gif" border=0></a><BR>"
Replace = "<center><span class=Prox id="p-comment" style=display:none;>"
          "\&bull; Computer Cops XML Backendforum\1"

Name = "Computer Cops:  Remove 'CCSP Home' Selector"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www.|)"
Bounds = "$NEST(<select,</select>)"
Limit = 2048
Match = "*CCSP Home*"
Replace = "<center>"
          "<span class=Prox id="p-comment" style=display:none;>"
          "\&bull; Computer Cops 'CCSP Home' Selector"

Name = "Computer Cops:  Remove Top-of-Page Forum Logout"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www.|)"
Limit = 2500
Match = "<td class="bodyline"><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">*"
        "You have no new messages*<br />"
Replace = "</table><center>"
          "<span class=Prox id="p-comment" style=display:none;>"
          "\&bull; Computer Cops Logout"

Name = "Computer Cops:  Remove Left Side Content"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www.|)"
Limit = 22000
Match = "<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="155">*"
        "(<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="155">|)*"
        "(<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="155">*</tr></table>|)*"
Replace = "<center>"
          "<span class=Prox id="p-comment" style=display:none;>"
          "\&bull; Computer Cops Left Side Content"

Name = "Computer Cops:  Remove View Posts Options & Admin Messages"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www.|)"
Bounds = "$NEST(<table,</table>)"
Limit = 2048
Match = "*(View posts)\1 since last visit*|"
        "*(New Webhost)\1*|"
        "*(Bookmarks*The Moat)\1*|"
        "*(New Forum(s| Category))\1*|"
        "*(Folding for a Cure)\1*|"
        "*(Sphinx-Soft x-Wall Forums)\1*|"
        "*(Free License Giveaway)\1*"
Replace = "<center>"
          "<span class=Prox id="p-comment" style=display:none;>"
          "\&bull; Computer Cops \1"

Name = "Computer Cops:  Remove Icon Legend"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www.|)"
Bounds = "$NEST(<table,</table>)"
Limit = 1024
Match = "*New posts*No new posts*Forum is locked*"
Replace = "<center><span class=Prox id="p-comment" style=display:none;>"
          "\&bull; Computer Cops Icon Legend"

Name = "Computer Cops:  Remove Footer"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www.|)"
Bounds = "$NEST(<table,</table>)"
Limit = 4096
Match = "*<font class="footer">*"
Replace = "<center><span class=Prox id="p-comment" style=display:none;>"
          "\&bull; Computer Cops Footer"

Name = "Computer Cops:  Remove Copyright"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www.|)"
Bounds = "$NEST(<div,</div>)"
Limit = 2048
Match = "*<span class="copyright">*"
Replace = "<center><span class=Prox id="p-comment" style=display:none;>"
          "\&bull; Computer Cops Copyright"

Name = "Computer Cops:  Clean up Posts and Prox Forums {sidki3003} (modified)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www.|)|post|$LST(CCProxLinks))"
Limit = 32767
Match = "("
        "<br> <center> <img[^>]++logo.php*\s(^(^<style))$SET(1=\0)"
        "<tr> <td class="catLeft"*</tr >(^(^([^>]+>)+{4}Proxomitron))$SET(1=\0)"
        "<tr> <td class="catLeft"(^([^>]+>)+{3}Proxomitron)*</tr >(^(^ </table))$SET(1=\0)"
        "<div align="center"> <span class="copyright">*</table > </center >$SET(1=\0)"
        "$SET(1=<a class="nav" href="forum-cat14.html">Proxomitron</a> -> \2)"
        "$SET(0=\r\n<!-- PROX-S: Removed by ComputerCops Filter -->\r\n)"
Replace = "\1"

Name = "Computer Cops:  Relocate Staff Online - Part 1"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www.|)"
Limit = 7500
Match = "</table>*(<a href="*staff">*)\1$SET(staff=\1),?<br>"
Replace = "</table>    "

Name = "Computer Cops:  Relocate Staff Online - Part 2"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www.|)"
Limit = 17
Match = "(Registered Users:)\1"
Replace = "$GET(staff)</div>\1"
Thanks ProxRocks , Nice clean page but still can't sign in automatically . BTW, I'm using Sidke's config set with Jaxk's Pack Spoofer filters . Regards , Ralph
Your IncludeExclude needs something to the effect of:
[^/]  $SET(
Where is your actual user code that your cookie would normally be passing on to the web site...
Thanks ProxRocks , I finally got it right . I wasn't placing the right code numbers in the IncludeExclude file . Works beautifully !
Pages: 1 2
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