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haven't used proxomitron in several years and decided to give it a try again maybe with tor. Pleasantly suprised that some users are still offering up to date filters for this great program.

In using the program with the old filters, I frequently got "access denied due to your browser signature". Not exactly how they are keying in on this maybe the dummy data I am sending them is too old for browser env variables.

What filter packages do I need to install to get more up to day. I saw one file that has various browser info in it, but I am not quite certain how to install it.
(Dec. 26, 2013 12:16 PM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]Pleasantly suprised that some users are still offering up to date filters for this great program.

Well kinda... Best I can do at the moment from Dec. 2011.

Along the way I've posted updates, , and made corrections but I haven't managed to put them all together and share.

To complicate matters further, I'm thinking about considerable changes to make maintaining and learning easier.
(Dec. 26, 2013 07:48 PM)JJoe Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 26, 2013 12:16 PM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]Pleasantly suprised that some users are still offering up to date filters for this great program.

Well kinda... Best I can do at the moment from Dec. 2011.

Along the way I've posted updates, , and made corrections but I haven't managed to put them all together and share.

To complicate matters further, I'm thinking about considerable changes to make maintaining and learning easier.

you wrote: ".zip (Size: 324.17 KB / Downloads: 1145)

Exit the Proxomitron, extract the zip to the Proxomitron's folder, restart the Proxomitron, witness the glory of "The Proxomitron Intro Page".

After you add your header filters you may need to ensure that the order in the config is the same as the header filter editor.
On my windows7: I save my header filter changes, load a different config, reload the first config, and save again."

I extracted the numerous files and folders to the filter subfolder under Proxomitron main directory. Did not work, nothing changed on loading Proxomitron. I believe this is the same procedure I used when adding new yahoo filters quite awhile back. So what has to be done to get the program to load the new filters and will that give me a list of more browser fake env variables. I read the readme file, but still unclear as the the exact installation procedure and don't want to mess up the program as it is.
(Dec. 27, 2013 05:51 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 26, 2013 07:48 PM)JJoe Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 26, 2013 12:16 PM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]Pleasantly suprised that some users are still offering up to date filters for this great program.

Well kinda... Best I can do at the moment from Dec. 2011.

Along the way I've posted updates, , and made corrections but I haven't managed to put them all together and share.

To complicate matters further, I'm thinking about considerable changes to make maintaining and learning easier.

you wrote: ".zip (Size: 324.17 KB / Downloads: 1145)

Exit the Proxomitron, extract the zip to the Proxomitron's folder, restart the Proxomitron, witness the glory of "The Proxomitron Intro Page".

After you add your header filters you may need to ensure that the order in the config is the same as the header filter editor.
On my windows7: I save my header filter changes, load a different config, reload the first config, and save again."

I extracted the numerous files and folders to the filter subfolder under Proxomitron main directory. Did not work, nothing changed on loading Proxomitron. I believe this is the same procedure I used when adding new yahoo filters quite awhile back. So what has to be done to get the program to load the new filters and will that give me a list of more browser fake env variables. I read the readme file, but still unclear as the the exact installation procedure and don't want to mess up the program as it is.

ok got it loaded. when did the config files change extension to .ptron?
very confusing documentation, neet to be a programmer to understand how to use it.
(Dec. 27, 2013 07:08 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]I extracted the numerous files and folders to the filter subfolder under Proxomitron main directory.

After extraction the .ptron config file should be in the Proxomitron main directory with the Proxomitron exe and the other config files.

(Dec. 27, 2013 07:08 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]ok got it loaded. when did the config files change extension to .ptron?

I don't remember when .ptron came along or when sidki started using it. I think, the idea was to be unique.
(Dec. 27, 2013 04:03 PM)JJoe Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 27, 2013 07:08 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]I extracted the numerous files and folders to the filter subfolder under Proxomitron main directory.

After extraction the .ptron config file should be in the Proxomitron main directory with the Proxomitron exe and the other config files.

(Dec. 27, 2013 07:08 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]ok got it loaded. when did the config files change extension to .ptron?

I don't remember when .ptron came along or when sidki started using it. I think, the idea was to be unique.

Am I correct in thinking that the .ptron is to be loaded on top of existing config file?

Also, how do you fake/change the user agent? I asked this in my previous post but no reply? I see a header filter for manage user agent strings, but how do you actually change the output? Keeps giving the same correct user agent which I don't want-I don't want them to track me by user agent-I want to be able to change it at will.

Former version was much more user friendly as you just entered whatever string you wanted and that became your user agent output. There is a list of user agents under the blockfiles preferences but there are no instructions anywhere I can find on how to actually change the user agent.
(Dec. 28, 2013 10:45 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]Am I correct in thinking that the .ptron is to be loaded on top of existing config file?

This is a stand-alone cfg. Don't merge it with other cfgs.

There are several ways to load configs.
Simplest is to right click on the Proxomitron's icon in the task bar>>Load Config File>>sidki_2011-12-22rc1.ptron
Another is to add to the Proxomitron's commandline like
C:\Users\E3\Programs\ProxN45j\Proxomitron.exe "sidki_2011-12-22rc1.ptron"


(Dec. 28, 2013 10:45 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]Also, how do you fake/change the user agent? I asked this in my previous post but no reply? I see a header filter for manage user agent strings, but how do you actually change the output? Keeps giving the same correct user agent which I don't want-I don't want them to track me by user agent-I want to be able to change it at will.

Former version was much more user friendly as you just entered whatever string you wanted and that became your user agent output. There is a list of user agents under the blockfiles preferences but there are no instructions anywhere I can find on how to actually change the user agent.

There are ways to fake/change the user agent that require less study than the sidki set, if that is all you want.

Users control the set via filters marked as optional, and Exceptions-U.ptxt.
Instructions for use of Exceptions-U are at the top of the list.
Under section 3.6

## ============================================================================
## 3.6  USER-AGENT
## ============================================================================

## fake user-agent: Internet Explorer           $SET(0=f_ua_ie.)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## fake user-agent: IE, if not IE or Mozilla    $SET(0=f_ua_iemoz.)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## fake user-agent: Mozilla                     $SET(0=f_ua_moz.)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## fake user-agent: Mozilla, if not Moz or IE   $SET(0=f_ua_mozie.)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## fake user-agent: Opera                       $SET(0=f_ua_op.)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## fake user-agent: Opera, if not Opera or IE   $SET(0=f_ua_opie.)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## fake user-agent: Space Bison                 $SET(0=f_ua_sp.)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## fake user-agent: "Anything"                  $SET(0=f_ua_§Anything.)
## Replace dots with "%2e", e.g., to fake IE2 at
##      $SET(0=f_ua_§Mozilla/1%2e22 (compatible; MSIE 2%2e0; Windows 95).)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## Googlebot: fake user-agent - remove referrer $SET(0=f_ua_gbot.)

You can change UA per site, per browser, referer, etc

ok I loaded exceptions-U.ptx into an editor to take a look.

I don't want to spend alot of time coding. I just want to change the user agent periodically for all sites.

When I looked that the section u mentioned for doing this I tried uncommenting one of the fake IE entries. That did NOTHING.
Same user agent, my true one reported.

So again, how do I change the user agent without going to school to learn html/scripting and other stuff I don't have time for? Give me an example if you can, changing the user agent for all sites to IE current version or near current.

In the original program all you had to do was enter simple text and you could make it anything you want.

Also a number of pages are filtering user agent information, I think it relates to Deads challenges or other programs and denying access to people who use programs like proxomitron to change things. Is there a workaround for that?
Error reported is generally access denied based on browser signature.
for your intentions, you should be using your web browser's user agent settings and NOT Proxomitron...

only AFTER you learn some of the in's and out's with Proxomitron should you be trying something that "complex" via Proxomitron...

you are "spinning your wheels" trying to get Proxomitron to change your user agent when it's a THREE SECOND change in any modern web browser...
(Jan. 01, 2014 06:43 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]I don't want to spend alot of time coding. I just want to change the user agent periodically for all sites.

With sidki's set, you may be 'coding' more than you want. Regardless...

(Jan. 01, 2014 06:43 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]Give me an example if you can, changing the user agent for all sites to IE current version or near current.

The UA for IE10 runnig on Win7 is
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/6.0)


$SET(keyword=$GET(keyword)f_ua_§Mozilla/5%2e0 (compatible; MSIE 10%2e0; Windows NT 6%2e1; Trident/6%2e0).)(^)
~$SET(keyword=$GET(keyword)f_ua_§Mozilla/5%2e0 (compatible; MSIE 10%2e0; Windows NT 6%2e1; Trident/6%2e0).)(^)

to Exceptions-U.

(Jan. 01, 2014 06:43 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]When I looked that the section u mentioned for doing this I tried uncommenting one of the fake IE entries. That did NOTHING.

That should do nothing. Uncommenting is not in the instructions. Wink

Exceptions-U Wrote:## Replace dots with "%2e", e.g., to fake IE2 at
## $SET(0=f_ua_§Mozilla/1%2e22 (compatible; MSIE 2%2e0; Windows 95).)

The expectation was to change the UA per site but for your limited use you could just add $SET(0=f_ua_§Mozilla/5%2e0 (compatible; MSIE 10%2e0; Windows NT 6%2e1; Trident/6%2e0).) but this would limit future use.

(Jan. 01, 2014 06:43 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]In the original program all you had to do was enter simple text and you could make it anything you want.

It still can

[HTTP headers]
Out = TRUE
Key = "User-Agent: IE10 Win7  (out) "
Match = "*"
Replace = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/6.0)"

(Jan. 01, 2014 06:43 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]Also a number of pages are filtering user agent information, I think it relates to s challenges or other programs and denying access to people who use programs like proxomitron to change things. Is there a workaround for that?
Error reported is generally access denied based on browser signature.

I've never seen this error. I can't see your browser signature to see what the problem may be. It is possible that headers are modified after they leave your computer or your router/modem.

Via google:

cloudflare Wrote:CloudFlare's Browser Integrity Check is similar to Bad Behavior and looks for common HTTP headers abused most commonly by spammers and denies access to your page. It will also challenge visitors that do not have a user agent or a non standard user agent (also commonly used by abuse bots, crawlers or visitors).

cloudflare Wrote:A firewall, proxy, a browser plugin or extension may be throwing a false positive. Try visiting the site with a different browser as an alternative way of accessing the site.
RE: been away long time need some pointers
(Dec. 26, 2013 07:48 PM)JJoe Wrote: [ -> ]I'm thinking about considerable changes to make maintaining and learning easier.
It seems that you've accumulated ideas. What criteria are you using in this goal?

I think maintenance and learning ease would help me.
When both Sidki and Grypen were maintained, I found Sidki about as usable, but I chose Grypen. So I learned with Grypen's filters (actually from many authors)
Then Sidki become the maintained set.
Since Grypen stopped maintaining, including since you've taken on the set, I've tried switching to Sidki but it's immediately disappointing for my use and too different. I'd have to merge too many annoyance fixes from years of Grypen.
I'm still using and mutilating a mutilated Grypen set.

Also I think I'm correct about these:
Sidki set filters use short variable names, which are less memorable to me. So imitating, editing, or other modifying is more difficult for me. So learning and maintaining are issues with customized set.

Javascript (#$@#!!)
Sidki uses more javascript. Noscript (Firefox extension) lets me add local.ptron to noscript whitelist, so noscript lets Firefox run any javascript that Firefox sees from local.ptron.
This doesn't help me when I want to edit or imitate a filter, because I don't know javascript.
I've considered converting some javascript-based filters to pure Proxo filter, but haven't begun converting any.
Javascript is more widely known than Proxo syntax.
Proxo syntax is native to Proxo, but browsers may process javascript efficiently. Maybe we don't care.
If Proxo users want to adapt to the predicament of Web 1035.0 falling into a javascript security/privacy death spiral, then knowing js is required. has become a ghost town, so greasemonkey users' work isn't much of a resource for importing into proxo.
One reason for this may be that javascript has become such a mess that some websites break their own scripts.
... which leads me back to Javascript (#$@#!!)
(Dec. 27, 2013 04:03 PM)JJoe Wrote: [ -> ]I don't remember when .ptron came along or when sidki started using it. I think, the idea was to be unique.
I did the same for same reason, using a three letter extension that was rare on those file extension reference sites. However, Proxo's "config load-o-rama! (open config file)" filters out (doesn't show) those extensions until you chose "any old thing". I don't care because I rarely use Proxo's open file...
(Jan. 01, 2014 11:18 PM)JJoe Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 01, 2014 06:43 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]I don't want to spend alot of time coding. I just want to change the user agent periodically for all sites.

With sidki's set, you may be 'coding' more than you want. Regardless...

(Jan. 01, 2014 06:43 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]Give me an example if you can, changing the user agent for all sites to IE current version or near current.

The UA for IE10 runnig on Win7 is
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/6.0)


$SET(keyword=$GET(keyword)f_ua_§Mozilla/5%2e0 (compatible; MSIE 10%2e0; Windows NT 6%2e1; Trident/6%2e0).)(^)
~$SET(keyword=$GET(keyword)f_ua_§Mozilla/5%2e0 (compatible; MSIE 10%2e0; Windows NT 6%2e1; Trident/6%2e0).)(^)

to Exceptions-U.

(Jan. 01, 2014 06:43 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]When I looked that the section u mentioned for doing this I tried uncommenting one of the fake IE entries. That did NOTHING.

That should do nothing. Uncommenting is not in the instructions. Wink

Exceptions-U Wrote:## Replace dots with "%2e", e.g., to fake IE2 at
## $SET(0=f_ua_§Mozilla/1%2e22 (compatible; MSIE 2%2e0; Windows 95).)

The expectation was to change the UA per site but for your limited use you could just add $SET(0=f_ua_§Mozilla/5%2e0 (compatible; MSIE 10%2e0; Windows NT 6%2e1; Trident/6%2e0).) but this would limit future use.

(Jan. 01, 2014 06:43 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]In the original program all you had to do was enter simple text and you could make it anything you want.

It still can

[HTTP headers]
Out = TRUE
Key = "User-Agent: IE10 Win7  (out) "
Match = "*"
Replace = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/6.0)"

(Jan. 01, 2014 06:43 AM)slgar Wrote: [ -> ]Also a number of pages are filtering user agent information, I think it relates to s challenges or other programs and denying access to people who use programs like proxomitron to change things. Is there a workaround for that?
Error reported is generally access denied based on browser signature.

I've never seen this error. I can't see your browser signature to see what the problem may be. It is possible that headers are modified after they leave your computer or your router/modem.

Via google:

cloudflare Wrote:CloudFlare's Browser Integrity Check is similar to Bad Behavior and looks for common HTTP headers abused most commonly by spammers and denies access to your page. It will also challenge visitors that do not have a user agent or a non standard user agent (also commonly used by abuse bots, crawlers or visitors).

cloudflare Wrote:A firewall, proxy, a browser plugin or extension may be throwing a false positive. Try visiting the site with a different browser as an alternative way of accessing the site.

Ok thanks much for that. I tried searching for the source of this browser challenge but did not find, as you did, one of the probably sources.

I was curious how and why they were doing it and you have enlightened me on that. It's a continual cat and mouse game nowadays and the web has become alot more complicated and hazardous than before.

I decided just to add some common agent strings to the original Proxom. filters, it's much easier than messing with code. Eventually I suppose I have to learn html, php, coding, etc after the other dozen things I have to learn for which I will probably never get around to.

The original proxomitron was much more user friendly than these new filters which I guess is as it should be since the original author is dead, the program has never really been updated since then and seems that only the hanger on techies are still using it. I really like the log real time feature as I have not yet found a good sniffer program that works on XP/wifi which would be even more useful.

I am happy for any attempt to improve the program but am frustrated that its not as easy as the original program.
it still is the original program, the program itself has not changed any

as the web evolved, the FILTERS to filter that web has also evolved, but the PROGRAM itself is still the SAME PROGRAM Smile!
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