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Full Version: How to use $LST(Count) in Replace ?
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longtime user who got by modifying posted filters and creating simple website specific filters but now I have a question on how to use the counter filter.

I want to wrap PRE tags in a TABLE tag which would allow me to use javascript to copy specific "tables" to the clipboard. This simple filter works (improvements welcome of course)
Match = "<pre\1/pre>"
Replace = "<table border="0"><tr><td><pre\1/pre></td></tr></table>"
But there can be more as one PRE on a page I need a unique ID added to the table so I thought of adding a counter like table id=pre1, table id=pre2 etc but I have no clue on how to use the $LST(Count). If I simply do this
Match = "<pre\1/pre>"
Replace = "<table border="0" id=pre($TST(($GET(n)+)=$LST(Count)|*)$SET(n=$GET(i)))><tr><td><pre\1/pre></td></tr></table>"

I get ProxomiTron Application Error - Read Over=randomhugenumber msgboxes (which I will admit never had seen before)

Any guidance or tips would be appreciated.
Name = "Example"
Active = FALSE
Limit = 4096
Match = "<pre\1/pre>"
Replace = "<table border="0" id="pre$GET(PreIdC)"><tr><td><pre\1/pre></td></tr></table>"

Thank you, I suspect it is pretty close but haven't gotten it to work yet.

But before I experiment further with $LST etc I want to understand how to use $SET and $GET
but when I try the GET example

It doesn't seem to work and says "No Match" in the testing window, if I remove the "$SET(LinkURL=>>\1<<)" part from the Match it does find a match, but it simply prints "The linked URL was: $GET(LinkURL)" I really wonder what I am doing wrong for some reason it refuses to SET any variable because if I "(\1)$SET(test=SetGetText)" to get the test variable it says No Match. Weird.

I can get the SET example (above the GET with the Name=one two three) to work.
prxymouse Wrote:Weird.

Yeah. Please, post the filter and code tested against.

help Wrote:The $GET command can be used it in any replacement text to insert the current value of a global variable created by $SET (see above). This may even be within another $SET command. For example...

Match: <a * href=$AVQ(\1)$SET(LinkURL=>>\1<<) *>
Replace: "The linked URL was: $GET(LinkURL)"

So a filter like

Name = "Test"
Active = FALSE
Limit = 256
Match = "<a * href=$AVQ(\1)$SET(LinkURL=>>\1<<) *>"
Replace = "The linked URL was: $GET(LinkURL)"

tested against

<a href="">

test window Wrote:The linked URL was: >>""<<

After I remove "$SET(LinkURL=>>\1<<)",

test window Wrote:The linked URL was:

Case is important, must be $SET and $GET.
To quote Homer Simpson: Doh!

When I started looking into this $LST(Count) I also tried various patches and versions, somehow it seems I forgot to switch back to the "good" version and I was running 4.3.0 which of course doesn't support SET/GET at all. Going back to 4.5 did the trick and unique IDs are now created and I can finish my project.

Thank you very much and Happy Holidays!
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