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I want to open a web proxy list, but when I want to open it. it can not be and there is a description of Internet filtering.Banging Head

Please help me,is there any http headers or web filter that can bypass Internet filtering?
what type of "filtering from ISP"?

it could just be "DNS filtering", what DNS servers are you using?
I not use dns on dial-up setting,.
i use default dns from my isp

and i dont know exaclty what type Internet Filtering from my isp,. but this is ex :
i try to visit freeproxylist[dot]com,
the point is site inaccessible,
I've also tried some other dns, like OpenDNS and google dns.
but the result remains the same
That domain has been parked. It has no lists of Proxies. It is for sale.

I don't know why you can't see it but I see no reason to block or unblock your access.

domain is not sold or parked,
using OpenDNS sometimes I can open it.
but sometimes not open.

one more, when I open the adult site, I was also exposed to internet filtering

please help me master JJoe..
is this a "home" ISP or a "public" ISP like at an internet cafe or library or public school?

it sounds like you are on a "public" ISP like a school or library and there will be no way "around" the system's 'own' proxies by trying to direct it to your own proxy...
i use home isp,
Can I get the http headers or anything else that I can open some sites affected by Internet filtering?
(Jan. 27, 2012 03:09 PM)AAlcander Wrote: [ -> ]domain is not sold or parked,
using OpenDNS sometimes I can open it.
but sometimes not open.

I suspect a typo. You typed "freeproxylist[dot]com" but meant to type freeproxylists[dot]com is there.

(Jan. 27, 2012 03:09 PM)AAlcander Wrote: [ -> ]using OpenDNS sometimes I can open it.
but sometimes not open.

Open a command prompt and see what tracert shows.


Please understand, I rarely help anonymous people gain access to adult content.
thanks for helping
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