Again thanks for the quick response JJoe.
JJoe Wrote:You can't change the order of the headers. You can change their content. The Proxomitron can modify headers and some browsers allow changes.
But, I think you may be missing the point or I am?
I thought that because proxo intercepts any request that goes through it, it was possible to modify such generic headers.
including the "order of the headers" although im not quite sure what they mean by that.
header A for some value,
header B for another value,
so if the order of headers goes A,B,C then its X browser
if the order goes B,D,A then its Z browser. ?
JJoe Wrote:BTW, don't do anything that would make it worth somebody's time to find you.
LOL. the idea behind it was to mask any browser to the extreme or completely. "Tor browser" for example has a generic sig as well and it only uses firefox. Most people will use Tor browser. this is important because every single "Tor browser" in a cloud of anonimity throws the same values everywhere, so you get lost in a generic crowd of users where the more users with the same browser will increase your anonimity, hence also the panopticlick EEF project that helps you determine how common your browser is among others for tracking purposes.
there are no other browsers currently being modified by the Tor developers but they are working close with chrome ppl and others to bring the Tor experience with different flavours (personally i would never use chrome). the reality is that many browsers will work with Tor if you take the time to configure them properly. but because there is a lack of Tor users using any other browser than firefox at the moment then it makes it easier to distinguish those not using FF, hence applications like Proxo will help you disguize your browsing experience when its needed. i was hoping this "generic sig" was one of those values you could configure as well to get an extreme masked browser.
The problem is not using Tor with X browser to surf the web the problem is at the Torexitnodes, those can see, log and potentialy track a user (UA string for this matter) when a site has not implemented ssl to view their pages. much like those clever kissmetric cookies if exitnodes A,F,V are coluded they could correlate browsing habits of a different Browser..
ie :
3k users at exitnode A uses Tor browser but "UA J browser" was here looking L page
1k users at exitnode A uses Firefox but "UA J browser" was here looking h page
2k users at exitnode V uses Firefox or Tor browser but "UA J browser" was here looking xxx pages (haha.)
50 users at exitnode F uses Firefox or Tor browser but "UA J browser" was here loking P pages
if it walks like a duck cuacks like a duck then ......
Thank you for you time in your last reply JJoe.