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Full Version: Google Light Blue Theme 09.06.27
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i'm not sure if this is a "stumble-upon" or not -

for the Google Light Blue Theme, one line has this
"a:link, a:link span, .q a:link, a.toplink:visited {color: #0C5AA9;}\r\n"
and a few lines down has this
"a:hover, a:hover span, a:visited:hover, .g .fl:hover {color: #1689FF;}\r\n"

the 09.04.29 version of the filter has a .q in both lines, so i'm wondering if the latter was meant to be a .q and not a .g ???
I don't think so. Space and comma have different meanings.

"," is separating different independent elements for which the rule should be applied, while the translation for ".q .fl" is: All elements with a class name of "fl" that have a parent (or grandparent, or great-grandparent, ...) element with a class name of "q". There aren't any.
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