General Security
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- Root certificate expiring - anything to be done? (0 Replies)
- End-to-end encryption is coming.... (1 Reply)
- Facebook and MySpace security: backdoor wide open, millions of accounts exploitable (1 Reply)
- anti-adblock javascript, weak? (0 Replies)
- 'HOSTS' file for use by paying remote sites.... (5 Replies)
- Port 8080 (2 Replies)
- Firefox Add-on: HTTPS Everywhere (0 Replies)
- Critical security issues Adobe Reader and Acrobat (5 Replies)
- Major Vulnerability in TLS and SSL authentication enables MITM attack (0 Replies)
- XeroSurf Privacy Shield Service (0 Replies)
- DNSKong (12 Replies)
- SDCH = Shared Dictionary Compression over HTTP (2 Replies)
- anonymizers, etc. (9 Replies)
- Stand-alone BOClean Discontinuation (6 Replies)
- Speaking of YouTube....... (43 Replies)
- Updated ProxCert... (14 Replies)
- Say what you will about MIME types..... (6 Replies)
- Is Google tracking? (9 Replies)
- yahoo mail, firefox and Proxomitron (8 Replies)
- New flaws could allow hackers to read hard drive data via browsers. (2 Replies)
- AtGuard is Back! (3 Replies)
- A new software firewall??? (21 Replies)
- Automatic firewall and proxy seeker??? (0 Replies)
- Stay anonymous with Java and Javascript active (6 Replies)
- Anonymizing Google's Cookie (3 Replies)
- Sony music CD installs spyware (17 Replies)
- Defining spyware...... (0 Replies)
- New phpBB Worm (0 Replies)
- Kerio gets a new lease on life! (2 Replies)
- is back up! (2 Replies)
- Sony and DRM (2 Replies)
- The El Cheapo Router Challenge (0 Replies)
- UOPF's CGIProxy (2 Replies)
- Exploit for unpatched IE vuln fuels hacker fears (3 Replies)
- Stay Invisible (0 Replies)
- JakxPak (2 Replies)
- 'I Love Messenger' flaw (6 Replies)
- EXElock (7 Replies)
- What is a good free firewall? (53 Replies)
- Outpost not seeing new IP number (0 Replies)
- problem with proxy (4 Replies)
- Here we go again! (11 Replies)
- No-Trax (28 Replies)
- Xray-PC (1 Reply)
- CastleCops and iDownload/iSearch (7 Replies)
- WhenU and Ad-Aware/Pest Patrol (1 Reply)
- A Browser Exploit That Doesn't Affect IE (2 Replies)
- encrypted Chats (2 Replies)
- To use Proxomitron and beat down dumb worms... (21 Replies)
- Internal LAN ip being leaked (7 Replies)
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